Why am I doing an Medical Laboratory Scientist podcast?

The medical laboratory in the hospital your family uses or the one your physican uses when ordering lab tests is a place of black-box mystery.  Our blood and body fluids are sent there and, as if by magic, a health determing normal or abnormal result is released for your health care provider to use for your diagnosis and treatment.

The medical laboratory scientist (MLS) who performs all of those tests is a 'hidden profession'.  Yet, the demand for his and her work constitutes about 70% of all of the data needed to diagnose and treat patients.  

This hidden profession needs many more educated and trained medical laboratory scientists - and they are needed yesterday.

I embarked on this  MLS career awareness journey because I am one.  I am paying forward my career to those looking for their career in a setting where the work is meaningful and the career growth is strong.
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